You had your fling, your casual relationship or your serious one, and now it’s over. He’s gone and you’re left with the memories, emotions and that gut wrenching feeling whenever you think about him. So what do you do? We’ve already been over how to handle and hide your crazy –and if you listened to me, you were successful and there’s been no internet blocking or restraining orders, congrats ladies –but now you’re at the stage where you need to do the unthinkable. You’ve got to move on. Yes, I know, it sounds hard. Sounds impossible! It’s not. You’ve got to put on your big girl pants and get over it. I know this sounds harsh, but love is harsh. Breaks up are harsh. They wouldn’t call it heartbreak if it wasn’t so shitty.
So how do you know when you’ve moved on? When do you stop feeling you’re gut wrench and when can you see yourself with other people? I’ve asked myself these questions a thousand times, and I’ve asked my best friend about the same amount –sorry, girlie. But, through the many, many drunken conversations I had with her about how to move on and blah, blah, blah, one thing she said has stuck with me. You’ve got to feel the butterflies again –genius. And when you do, all the other shit kind of fades away. Even if the guy who gives you rebound butterflies doesn’t last, it still tackled the biggest challenge: moving on. And besides, who doesn’t like to feel the butterflies, even if they are short lived?
But then there’s the problem of actually getting over it, which unfortunately comes before the butterflies. So first, give yourself no more than a week for your self-thrown pity party. During this week, delete all text conversations and maybe change his name in your phone –no one wants to be the pity party phone call girl. Once you’ve finished feeling bad for yourself and thinking of what you did wrong, give yourself no more than another week to kind of hate him. In situations of extreme emotional turmoil, hating someone for no good reason is perfectly acceptable –for no more than a week. During this week, delete all pictures on your phone, or at least move them into a file marked DO NOT LOOK. The anger week is the perfect time for this because you will only have your hatred fueling your trash can spree. In the third week make peace, agree to be friends –although you won’t be –and return each other’s stuff. After three short, albeit grueling weeks, he will be out of your life, he will be out of yours, and you can start to build up your tolerance again. Not your alcohol tolerance, you probably worked on that enough during the first two weeks.
What I’m talking about is your relationship tolerance. After the last week when you’ve made peace, you should be able to start flirting with cute guys again. And shortly after that, you’ll be strong enough to risk rejection –it will come ladies, don’t be fooled into thinking you can be a relationship hopper. And once you can handle all this, you are ready for the butterflies.
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