Friday, February 6, 2015

The THOT Process

I don’t know if anyone out there has been wondering or if it’s just me but…what the fuck is a thot? No need to answer, that question has been rendered rhetorical thanks to urban dictionary dot com and a good pal with a thorough knowledge of the thot.* A thot as defined in my own words based on my research – one website and good pal – is a slang term that stands for that ho over there; it’s a girl who willingly lets men use her for sex and things. Seems a bit general and like it can apply to a lot of people you may or may not know? Yeah, same though.

*pal is dodge. 

So how do you know a thot, you ask? How do you find them, you’re wondering? Well let me tell you. I believe there is a social media app that is rounding up all the thots in your closest vicinity, for your convenience, and that is the Tinder app.* You can find thots a plenty, male and female, ready and waiting for some cheap sex with a person who chose you solely on a few pictures and maybe a clever byline underneath your age and stupidly spelled name (why so many letters in your two syllable name?).

*sorry Tinder, I’m sure your intentions were always good…

Though, we really can’t blame those ho’s over there for being how they are. We live in a world where people try to care as little as possible and sleep with as many people as possible, almost for sport. As I’ve discussed before, dating is a sport for lots of people, so every player – asshole guy or thot – is trying to win. What do you win? Like fuck if I know. But I mean hey, whatever makes you happy.

So now that we have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the thot – let’s say we all have our degree in thotism – let’s get to the thot process. Such a clever pun, I know. First off, you should figure out if you are or are not a thot. And if you are, don’t beat yourself up. You may have done this unintentionally and it doesn’t mean you can’t change or that you still are. Think back; have you ever sent a guy nudes or had sex too fast to get him to like you? Did you let him repeatedly make you feel cheap after sex but decided to ignore it and continue to see him? Did you willingly let him do this because you were bored, lonely, or were pretending you were having fun too in between your shame spirals? If you answered yes to any of those questions….you might be a thot.

But that’s all you really have to do. Do any of the above, have a few revealing pictures on your Tinder profile, and a very noncommittal bio line with something that says “I don’t care about anything I’m just here for a good time”, but really means “I actually do care but that’s lame so let’s have all the sex because that’s what you want and that’s what I’m here for”. And bam! Thot status approved. Don’t forget to use the most unconventional and annoying spelling of your name, have the wrong age listed, and a few selfies of you trying to be a model. Now, go hook up with that guy looking for the wild women and fancy ladies. He doesn’t respect you, but he’s funny and will tell you you’re hot.

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